HryFine is an app that helps you analyze all the information collected by your wristband or smartwatch. After syncing your device via Bluetooth, you can sync your health data in order to consult it comfortably from the same interface.
On the first part of the interface, you'll find the Health section. There, you can consult the steps you've taken, the calories you've burned, the distance you've traveled, heartbeats per minute, hours of sleep, and blood pressure, as long as your watch is capable of capturing this information.
In the Data section, you can consult the history of the last week, the last month, or the last year. There, you can see how many hours you slept each day, how far you walked, or your blood pressure, making it easy to compare one day to the next.
In the Sport section, you can start walking, running, or cycling routes, and the app will draw a map of the route you're on. You can force the app to stay open, making it easier to consult everything if, for example, you're riding your bike.
Finally, you have the My Account section, where you can change the theme, set a daily step goal, or change device settings.
If you're looking for an alternative app for your smartwatch or wristband, feel free to download the HryFine APK.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
Frequent questions
Is HryFine free?
Yes, HryFine is completely free. The tool offers many features that you can use freely. However, there is a better premium version that offers a greater number of features.
What kind of exercises can I record in HryFine?
HryFine lets you record a large number of exercises. In the activity menu, you can record outdoor runs, treadmill runs, cycling or walking sessions, among many other options.
How much space does the HryFine APK take up?
HryFine takes up about 70 MB, but when you start logging activities, the data size will increase. However, the total size of HryFine isn't very big, so you won't have to worry about your storage space.
Good 🙂
This app is very useful for me.
The application doesn't work for me, after allowing everything, it won't let me move forward, it shows network error
It doesn't count the kilometers well, the weather doesn't provide the correct data.
Good application